Malette Electric

Educational Electrical Services

What We Offer

As a school administrator, you know that maintaining a quality, energy-efficient electrical system is vital for both the comfort of your students and the savings on your energy bills. But you may not know where to start when it comes to dealing with electrical issues. That’s where Malette Electric Ltd comes in! We’re experts in all things electrical, and we’re dedicated to helping schools get the most out of their electrical systems by offering the following services:

Electrical Efficiency

As a school bursar or facilities manager, you are always looking for ways to save money and improve efficiency and this one area that is often overlooked is the school’s electrical system. By investing in modern, energy-efficient equipment, you can obtain substantial electrical savings on your energy bills. In addition to addressing your electrical issues, Malette Electric Ltd is an expert in power-saving technologies and can help you upgrade your school’s electrical system to be more efficient and cost-effective. We have a proven track record of helping schools save money on their energy bills, and we are happy to provide testimonials from our satisfied customers.

Electrical System Maintenance

As part of our ongoing commitment to reducing our carbon footprint, we help educational institutions to be aware of the amount of energy they consume and how they can reduce their carbon footprint. Electrical power monitoring can help you to see where energy is being wasted and take steps to reduce this wastage. On that note, Malette Electric Ltd can analyze your gas and electricity bills and find an alternative, budget-friendlier provider.

We can offer advice on how to make your school more energy-efficient, be it by installing solar panels or LED lighting. These measures can not only reduce your energy costs, but also help to shrink your carbon footprint. We believe that it is vital for everyone to do their part in combating climate change, and we are proud to help schools lead the way in sustainability.

The Best Educational electrical Services

We understand the unique challenges that schools face when it comes to their electrical systems, and we’re here to help you overcome them. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a consultation.